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Meditation and Healing for gentle support, deep relaxation, and beautiful connections.

Soul Wishes for a New Era

Soul Wishes for a New Era


The crystalline energy of New Earth is vibrating and pulsing through everything. The veils between worlds are disappearing and the cosmic tones are singing songs of remembrance.


In this long awaited time what does your Soul wish to experience?

What was your plan if Earth and humanity reached this level of consciousness?


Connect to the luminous essence of your Soul to hear your Soul's wish for this time.


In the Guided Meditation we journey into the radiant light of our Soul light, and receive the exquisite energy of the perfect Soul Wish for this now moment. (20mins).


In the beautiful Healing Session, Angels and Light create the perfect conditions for our Soul Wishes to flourish. This is a wonderful healing to repeat many times as we navigate this pivotal year. (45mins).


See detailed information on this product below ⬇

  • Included in this package is :

    1. A Guided Meditation where we journey into the radiant light of our Soul to experience the magnificent light that we are and hear our Soul's wish.


    Our Planning Team joins us and listens to our hopes and desires from a human perspective. Those desires and our Soul plan are combined into one magical potential, and the exquisite energy of this Soul Wish is placed in our heart to expand in our life.


    We then receive guidance from our Soul and Planning Team to illuminate our path and bring this wish into the physical. (20mins)


    2. A beautiful Healing Session where the Angels of New Earth and our personal Angels create the perfect conditions for our Soul Wishes to flourish.


    We release all that is not in alignment with the new. We are attuned to the perfect frequency and vibration of our soul energy and wisdom. Our future self blends in the perfect light codes and healing to bless the pathway ahead.


    Archangel Michael sweeps away any fear and worry, especially ones that belong to an older time and may prevent us from stepping forward.


    Align to the new and experience all the magic and potential it holds. (45mins)


    3. A Guide to optimise the use of this meditation and healing. 


    This is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped.

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    Refunds are not issued for digital products once the order is confirmed and the product is sent. Contact us for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or downloading our products.

  • Safety Information

    Our meditations and healings are not suitable to listen to while driving or doing anything that requires your concentration, as they may cause drowsiness.


  © 2025 Joan Buckley. All rights reserved  

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The information and healing offered by us is not intended a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health or mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the or associated newsletters and products.


As the products and services offered by us are meditative in nature they are not suitable to listen to while driving, operating heavy machinery, or doing anything that requires your concentration. They may cause drowsiness. 

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