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Sacred Space Creation
Welcome to our Sacred Space offering, where we weave magic into places and spaces, by working energetically with the spiritual realms.

Make your home and business a sanctuary of light, where all flows with ease. Let your event be a portal of expansion and transformation.


Just as we create a beautiful sacred energetic space for our spiritual practices, we can do the same for all parts of our life.

Sacred Space Quote

The first step to creating sacred space involves clearing any residual energetic patterns and stagnant energies that may exist.


Over time energy gathers in a place from experiences and people, and also from ancestral and historical struggles. All these energies can be stored in the fabric of buildings and homes, in the land, water and trees, in the essence of a  business. They can affect anyone who spends time in these spaces, especially the energetically sensitive.


You may have experience of walking into a place and feeling uplifted, then sad or angry in another place. You are feeling the energies around you. And these energies can be healed and raised in vibration and frequency.

The next step is to work with the guardians of the location or Angels over lighting an event, as we always request permission to adjust the energies.

In the final step we call in crystal consciousness, the angelic realms and star energies, and all of the light who wish to assist. In partnership we clear, uplift and create a supportive, loving and healing space.

It is created to match your intentions for the space, combined with the highest good of all who enter it. The overall purpose is always to create a safe and loving space of deep transformation, while all are held in the arms of spirit.

It is creating energetic comfort in the same way as we wish for physical comfort. It raises the frequency and vibration of the space, which in turns opens up new possibilities and potentials.

Prices start at €250. It will vary depending on the complexity of a location and the size of an event.

Testimonial Sacred Space
Testimonial Sacred Space

Thank you for contacting us. We'll be in touch soon.

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